RSVP REQUESTED, so please scroll down to review ALL of the information and then reserve your spot! Would you like to hold YOUR dog’s paw in your hand while you drink your coffee? Bring them to Lion’s Tail Brewing Co in Wauwatosa on Thursday, March 20 between 6 and 8 pm, to have a paw impression taken, which Stone Pony Pottery will use back at the studio to make a custom mug featuring your dog’s paw print and name! You’ll choose your glaze color from samples at the event.
—$95 per mug, one paw print per mug
—$75 for ea add’l mug for the same dog after set up
—cash preferred; credit cards & Venmo also accepted
—one dog/one paw print per mug
Mugs will be available for pick up at Lion’s Tail after May 1, 2025. To RSVP, send your NAME, CELL PHONE NUMBER, DOG’s NAME AND BREED to Stone Pony Pottery via FB messenger, email at or text 262-709-6612.
RSVPs are needed so that your clay slab can be prepared for your dog’s paw impression, and walk-ins are welcome if clay supply permits. Please let Stone Pony Pottery know if you have questions!