“Can I ask you a question?”… will your team be “The Lucky One” at Swiftie Trivia?

Well, that’s if you have time to answer questions between dressing up like hipsters and making fun of your exes.

Gather your Swiftie pals as Swiftie Trivia makes it much anticipated return to Lion’s Tail in Tosa this January and we’re hoping it just feels like one of those nights!

The quiz lasts about 2 hours, featuring 7 total rounds; this includes two wager categories and a picture category too! Plus we’ll end the quiz with a rapid lightning round!

There will be PRIZES for 1st and 2nd place. But don’t worry, if you’re not in the top two, shake it off, because there’s also a prize for “Best Team Name” too.

This event is $5 per quizzer because there will be a CASH PRIZE (on top of regular gift card prizes for 1st, 2nd and best name) at the end!